
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jam1 seng1 sai3 hei3
Character Meaning:
cloudy; to trick; to trap; to betray; to treat; shady; hidden; secret; of the underworld; genitalia; bangs or fringe
sound; voice
small; tiny; little; young; youthful; weak; soft; junior
air; to get angry; to be enraged; electricity; electronic signal; gas; spirit; morale; breath
Part of Speech: adjective
speaking softly and tenderly, with a nuance of negativity and creepiness
(Cant.) nei5gong2je5zou6me1jam1seng1sai3hei3mou5sik6faan6aa4
(Eng.) Why are you speaking so softly and tenderly? Did you skip your lunch?
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