
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zo2
Part of Speech: verb
to block; to obstruct; to hinder
(Cant.) m4hou2zo2ngo5ngo5jat1ding6jiu3zau2
(Eng.) Don't try to stop me, I must go.
(Cant.) zau2long2m4jing1goi1fong3zaap6mat6zo2zyu6tung1dou6
(Eng.) Stuff shouldn't be placed in the corridor that it will block the passage.
(Cant.) m4hou2ji3si3zo2zo2nei5gam3noi6ngo5zau2laa3
(Eng.) I'm sorry for bothering you for so long. I'm going now.
(Cant.) nei5jau5gam3do1je5zou6ge2gam2ngo5dou1hai6m4zo2nei5laa3
(Eng.) You have many things to do. All right, I will leave you alone.
See also: 堵 阻擋 閘 截斷 攔截 妨礙 阻礙 窒礙 肆 受阻
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