
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zung1 cing4
Character Meaning:

affection; love; passion; feeling; condition; situation
Part of Speech: verb
to be wholeheartedly devoted; to love; to be deeply fond of
(Cant.) 一見鍾情jat1 gin3 zung1 cing4
(Eng.) to fall in love at first sight
(Cant.) zung1cing4jyu1ngai6seot6
(Eng.) to be devoted in art
(Cant.) wai6nei5zung1cing4
(Eng.) to fall in deep love with you
(Cant.) keoi5zung1cing4gei2sat6sip3jing2tau3gwo3geng3tau4bou6zuk1jin6sat6
(Eng.) She likes documentary photography and captures reality through the lens.
See also: 迷戀 鍾愛 喜愛 中意 偏愛 喜愛 念念不忘 情有獨鍾 愛不釋手 男歡女愛 詩情畫意 酷愛 鍾愛 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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