
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zung6 jiu3
Character Meaning:
heavy; still; re-; important; high level; strongly; substantial; severe; layer; to place value upon; to respect; even more; in addition; and; last but not least; again; once more
to want; important; crucial; is going to; to demand; to desire; to need; to ask; to be determined to; should
Part of Speech: adjective
important; significant; critical
(Cant.) zung6jiu3gwaan1tau4
(Eng.) critical juncture
(Cant.) seoi2deoi3sang1mat6hou2zung6jiu3
(Eng.) Water is vital to lives.
(Cant.) nei5ge3zi1ci4hou2zung6jiu3
(Eng.) Your support matters.
Synonym: Synonym: 緊要
See also: 殿堂級 緊要 重磅 要緊 愛侶 重大 緊急 嚴重 危急 輸入 入口 重要性 意義 不可或缺 必不可少 有意思 決定性 無可否認 舉足輕重 重中之重 重視 關鍵 難能可貴 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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