
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ji1 mou6
Character Meaning:
doctor; to cure; to treat; to repair

Part of Speech: noun
medical matters (often used as a moodier)
(Cant.) 醫務所ji1 mou5 so2
(Eng.) medical clinic
(Cant.) ji1mou6zo6lei5
(Eng.) medical assistant
(Cant.) ji1mou6se5gong1
(Eng.) medical social worker
(Cant.) ji1mou6kap6gin6hong1zi1seon1
(Eng.) medical and healthcare services
(Cant.) ji1mou6kap6jik6miu4zung1sam1
(Eng.) medical and vaccine centre
(Cant.) wai6sang1cyu5fo1hok6zyu2jam6ji1mou6
(Eng.) Scientific Officer (Medical), Department of Health
(Cant.) hong1fuk6kap6ji1mou6se5wui2fuk6mou6
(Eng.) rehabilitation and medical social services
See also: 助產士 婦產科 税務 精神科 藥劑師 診療所 醫局 醫德 醫療 醫管局 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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