
Entry #1
Pronunciation: wai4 ziu3
Character Meaning:
to lose; to leave behind; to keep back; to omit
lighten; follow(( instructions)); to light up; to shine; to follow; to accord to; with reference to; to abide by; to look after; to take care of; to keep an eye on; to protect; photo; license; permit
Part of Speech: noun
photograph of the deceased (measure word: 幅 / 張)
(Cant.) gu2m4dou3ngo5bong1keoi5jing2ge3zeoi3hau6jat1zoeng1soeng2zau6hai6keoi5ge3wai4ziu3
(Eng.) I never thought that the last photo that I took for him would be used as his funeral photograph.
Synonym: Synonym: 遺像
See also: 全家福 吊唁 墓誌銘 屍骨未寒 死不瞑目 神主牌 遺像 遺容 遺老 遺腹子 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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