
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jyun5 zing1
Character Meaning:
far; far away; for a long time
conquest; military aggression
Part of Speech: verb
  • to mount a military expedition
    (Cant.) gam1ci3西sai1wik6jyun5zing1fei1soeng4sing4gung1ji5ging1sau1fuk6zo2cat1sing4sat1dei6
    (Eng.) Our campaign to the west is a tremendous success; we have already recovered seventy percent of lost territory.

  • to compete at a faraway location
    (Cant.) jyun5zing1leon4deon1ou3wan6
    (Eng.) to compete at the London Olympics

See also: 兵不血刃 凱旋而歸 千里迢迢 周遊列國 所向無敵 橫掃千軍 殲滅戰 長途跋涉 飄洋過海 驍勇善戰 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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