
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jyun5 bat1 kap6
Character Meaning:
far; far away; for a long time
no; negator; not
and; as well as; to reach for; to be related to; to involve
Part of Speech: verb
to be far worse than; to be less preferable
(Cant.) leon6coi4zi3ngo5jyun5bat1kap6nei5
(Eng.) I am incomparably worse than you in terms of intelligence.
Synonym: Synonym: 比唔上
See also: 不可同日而語 可見一斑 大不如前 更勝一籌 有過之而無不及 望塵莫及 相比之下 與日俱增 遠勝 非同小可 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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