
Entry #1
Pronunciation: pin3 dei6 wong4 gam1
Character Meaning:
time((three times, four times, etc.)); all over
land; -ly; ground; field; floor; place; locality; area
yellow; yolk
the Jin Dynasty; the metal element; golden (colour); money; wealth; metal in general
Part of Speech: expression
used to describe a place with many profitable business or job opportunities; literally: gold littered everywhere on the ground
(Cant.) hoeng1gong2pin3dei6wong4gam1hang2bok3hang2ngaai4ge3waa2cin4tou4jat1ding6jat1pin3gwong1ming4
(Eng.) Hong Kong is a place with many business opportunities. If you are willing to work hard and take risks, you'll have a bright future ahead of you.
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