「通行證 / 通行証」

Entry #1
  • 通行證 tung1 hang4 zing3
  • 通行証 tung1 hang4 zing3
Character Meaning:
common; pass; macaroni; pipes; expert; to communicate; to inform; to lead to; to arrive at; to understand; to know; open; through; connected; logical; coherent; reasonable; entire; whole
to walk; profession; behaviour; okay; a line; a row; trip; performance; action; industry; perfunctory; "hong"; a shop; a firm; to browse; to move; to adopt; to take; dry
to prove; to provide evidence; to testify; to verify; certificate
Part of Speech: noun
a pass; a permit (measure word: 張)
(Cant.) jik6miu4tung1hang4zing3
(Eng.) vaccine pass
(Cant.) fo2ce1tung1hang4zing3
(Eng.) train pass
See also: 准 授權 允許 開綠燈 免死金牌 回鄉卡 特准 耶證 良民證 行街紙 身份證 身分證 通晒天 頂證 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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