
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tung1 syu1
Character Meaning:
common; pass; macaroni; pipes; expert; to communicate; to inform; to lead to; to arrive at; to understand; to know; open; through; connected; logical; coherent; reasonable; entire; whole
book; letter; document; writing
Part of Speech: noun
traditional Chinese almanac; see 通勝 as its euphemism (measure word: 本)
(Cant.) 一本通書睇到老jat1 bun2 tung1 syu1 tai2 dou3 lou5
(Eng.) rigid; inflexible; literally, "reading the same almanac into old age"
See also: 年曆 古書 工具書 有聲書 温書 祕書 篆書 線裝書 讀死書 辭書 醫書 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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