
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zeoi1 jyut2
Character Meaning:
chase; to chase
moon; mooncake; month of a year
Part of Speech: verb
to see the moon on the day after Mid-Autumn Festival i.e. the 16th day of the eighth month in the "lunar" calendar; literally "to chase the moon"
(Cant.) cam4maan5tung4uk1kei2jan4soeng2jyun4jyut2gam1maan5zoi3ceot1lai4tung4baan1lou5sei2zeoi1jyut2
(Eng.) Last night I enjoyed the (Mid-Autumn) full moon with my family. I'm going to see the moon again with my dear friends tonight.
See also: 下個月 回南天 度蜜月 披星戴月 朔望月 渡蜜月 臘月 良辰吉日 足月 通晒天 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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