
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gan6 zyu1 ze2 cek3 gan6 mak6 ze2 haak1 gan6 zyu1 ze2 cek3 gan6 mak6 ze2 hak1
Character Meaning:
near; close; a verb read as gan6; recent; current
red; one in triad jargon
the people who; -er
red (colour); bare; naked; ingenuous; candid; sincere; genuine; to feel dull pain; to ache
near; close; a verb read as gan6; recent; current
ink; Chinese ink; ink (of ball pen)
the people who; -er
black; dark; unfortunate; unlucky; triad
Part of Speech: expression
an expression implying how people are influenced by their companions; literally "those close to cinnabar turn red and those to ink black"
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