
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bin6 gaai2
Character Meaning:
to argue; to debate
to untie; to separate; to dismisse; to disintegration; to release; to remove; to understand; to be informed; to explain; answer
Part of Speech: verb
to defend and explain oneself
(Cant.) keoi5hai2faat3gun1min6cin4ji5ging1hou2nou5lik6gam2wai6zi6gei2bin6gaai2daan6hai6zeoi3hau6dou1hai6bei2go3gun1pun3zo2jau5zeoi6
(Eng.) He tried hard to defend his case before the judge, but still he was found guilty by the judge.
See also: 合情合理 強詞奪理 循環論證 狡辯 申辯 自圓其説 解釋 辯護 辯駁 開脱 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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