
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baan6 faat3
Character Meaning:
handle; Bureau; to get sth ready; to prepare; to arrange; to do; to run; to manage
law; the way; rule; method; way; principle; (Buddhism) dhárma
Part of Speech: noun
solution; method; means; way; the way to solve a problem, the way to handle something (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) ji5haa6hai6jat1di1gaam2siu2gaa1geoi1laap6saap3ge3baan6faat3
(Eng.) Below are some methods for reducing domestic waste.
See also: 出路 策 方法 法子 路徑 路 窿路 方式 門路 不得其法 別無他法 後顧之憂 必要 想方設法 方法 既成事實 本事 法子 無論如何 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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