「踩 / 踹」

Entry #1
  • caai2 , jaai2
  • caai2 , jaai2
Part of Speech: verb
  • to step on; to tread on; to tramp on; to trample; to lift and set one's foot onto something
    (Cant.) caai2gong3sin2
    (Eng.) to walk a tightrope
    (Cant.) ngo5tau4sin1m4siu2sam1caai2dou2gau2si2aa3
    (Eng.) I just accidentally stepped on dog poop!
    (Cant.) m4hou2caai2lok6go2gau6sek6dou6aa3hou2sin3gaa3
    (Eng.) Don't step on that stone. It is slippery.

  • to push down with foot or feet, to stamp on with feet
    (Cant.) caai2bik6lik1
    (Eng.) to step on the brakes
    (Cant.) wai3nei5caai2can1ngo5zek3goek3wo3
    (Eng.) Hey, you stepped on my foot!

  • (of sports) to propel oneself with movement of feet
    (Cant.) caai2bing1
    (Eng.) to ice-skate
    (Cant.) caai2seoi2
    (Eng.) to tread water
    (Cant.) caai2daan1ce1
    (Eng.) to ride a bicycle
    (Cant.) jau4saa1tin4caai2heoi3daai6bou3jiu3gei2noi6
    (Eng.) How long does it take to cycle from Shatin to Tai Po?

  • to belittle; to criticise harshly
    (Cant.) mong5man4zoeng1keoi5bun2san1syu1caai2dou3jat1man4bat1zik6
    (Eng.) His new book got destroyed online. People just thrashed it for all it was worth.

  • to continuously work on something for long hours
    (Cant.) wai6zo2gon2hei2ni1fan6gai3waak6syu1ngo5dei6ji5ging1lin4zuk6caai2zo2sap6gei2go3zung1mou5tau2gwo3
    (Eng.) To finish the proposal on time, we worked non-stop for ten-something hours.
    (Cant.) zou6wui6gai3zan1hai6hou2san1fu2maan5maan5dou1caai2dou3ling4san4sin1sau1dak1gung1
    (Eng.) It's hard being an accountant, you have to work until early morning before you can leave office.

Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 蹂 踐踏
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