
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mau1
Part of Speech: verb
  • to squat down; to crouch
    (Cant.) 踎廁mau1 ci3
    (Eng.) squat toilet
    (Cant.) m4hou2mau1hoeng2lou6zung1sam1laa1zo2zyu6saai3
    (Eng.) Don't squat in the middle of the road, you're blocking everyone!

  • to be stuck in a place because of bad fortune
    (Cant.) 踎監mau1 gaam1
    (Eng.) to serve in prison / jail
    (Cant.) joek6gwo2wan2dou2fan6gou1san1hau5zik1ngo5zau6m4使sai2hoeng2dou6mau1laa1
    (Eng.) If I can find a job with higher rank and better wage, I wouldn't have to be stuck here.

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