yue:雙腳非常快速咁移動,快過#行,同#跑 差唔多
eng:to run; to move quickly
yue:唔好走呀!唔係我開槍㗎! (m4 hou2 zau2 aa3! m4 hai6 ngo5 hoi1 coeng1 gaa3!)
eng:Don't run! Or I will shoot!
eng:to leave; to go away (note: as an intransitive verb)
yue:#走人 (zau2 jan4)
eng:to leave
yue:我走喇,唔駛送喇。 (ngo5 zau2 laa3, m4 sai2 sung3 laa3.)
eng:I'm leaving now. You don't need to see me off.
yue:我今日會早啲走。 (ngo5 gam1 jat6 wui5 zou2 di1 zau2.)
eng:I am going to leave earlier today.
yue:意外中嘅傷者由救護車送走。 (ji3 ngoi6 zung1 ge3 soeng1 ze2 jau4 gau3 wu6 ce1 sung3 zau2.)
eng:The wounded in the accident were carried by the ambulance.
yue:我做埋呢個星期就走喇。 (ngo5 zou6 maai4 ni1 go3 sing1 kei4 zau6 zau2 laa3.)
eng:This is my last week at work.
eng:to request food or beverages without a particular ingredient
yue:#走青 (zau2 ceng1)
eng:no scallions please
yue:走番茄 (zau2 faan1 ke2)
eng:no tomato please
yue:杯凍啡走糖吖,唔該。 (bui1 dung3 fe1 zau2 tong4 aa1, m4 goi1.)
eng:Iced coffee, no sugar, thanks.
eng:to pass away; to decease
yue:我太公佢走咗喇。 (ngo5 taai3 gung1 keoi5 zau2 zo2 laa3.)
eng:My great-grandfather has passed away.
eng:to go to and fro; to transport; to transact
yue:#走粉 (zau2 fan2)
eng:to sell drugs
yue:走一轉去台灣 (zau2 jat1 zyun3 heoi3 toi4 waan1)
eng:to visit Taiwan (then come back)