
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zau2
Part of Speech: verb
  • to run; to move quickly
    (Cant.) m4hou2zau2aa3m4hai6ngo5hoi1coeng1gaa3
    (Eng.) Don't run! Or I will shoot!

  • to leave; to go away (note: as an intransitive verb)
    (Cant.) 走人zau2 jan4
    (Eng.) to leave
    (Cant.) ngo5zau2laa3m4sai2sung3laa3
    (Eng.) I'm leaving now. You don't need to see me off.
    (Cant.) ngo5gam1jat6wui5zou2di1zau2
    (Eng.) I am going to leave earlier today.
    (Cant.) ji3ngoi6zung1ge3soeng1ze2jau4gau3wu6ce1sung3zau2
    (Eng.) The wounded in the accident were carried by the ambulance.
    (Cant.) ngo5zou6maai4ni1go3sing1kei4zau6zau2laa3
    (Eng.) This is my last week at work.

  • to request food or beverages without a particular ingredient
    (Cant.) 走青zau2 ceng1
    (Eng.) no scallions please
    (Cant.) zau2faan1ke2
    (Eng.) no tomato please
    (Cant.) bui1dung3fe1zau2tong4aa1m4goi1
    (Eng.) Iced coffee, no sugar, thanks.

  • to pass away; to decease
    (Cant.) ngo5taai3gung1keoi5zau2zo2laa3
    (Eng.) My great-grandfather has passed away.

  • to go to and fro; to transport; to transact
    (Cant.) 走粉zau2 fan2
    (Eng.) to sell drugs
    (Cant.) zau2jat1zyun3heoi3toi4waan1
    (Eng.) to visit Taiwan (then come back)

See also: 已故 買賣 deal 單 往來
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