
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zaan3 zo6
Character Meaning:
to provide support
to help; to assist
Part of Speech: verb
to sponsor; to financially support
(Cant.) gam1maan1ge3jam2ban2hai6jau4ho2hau2ho2lok6gung1si1zaan3zo6ge3
(Eng.) The beverages tonight are sponsored by the Coca-Cola Company.
(Cant.) ngo5lau4haa6gaan1siu2sik6dim3nam2zyu6zaan3zo6haa5daai6hok6hok6saang1wui2di1wut6dung6ho2ji5zou6syun1cyun4jing1sing4zo2bei2gei2baak3zek3gai1jik6keoi5dei6dim2zi1baan1hok6saang1lam4si4lat1dai2zing2hou2zo2di1gai1jik6saai1saai3laa3
(Eng.) The snack shop on my block thought they would get free exposure by sponsoring a student union event and providing several hundred wings, but then the students broke their promise and did not show up to pick up the wings. What a waste!
See also: 冠名 出資 分類廣告 助學金 慷慨解囊 捐助 籌款 賣物會 隨緣樂助 鼎力支持 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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