
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mau6 jik6
Character Meaning:
貿 related to commerce
easy; to exchange; change; easy (to do)
Part of Speech: noun
trade; exchange between economies or organizations involving money, goods or services (measure word: 次 / 單 / 輪)
(Cant.) 貿mau6jik6gung1si1
(Eng.) trade company
(Cant.) 貿mau6jik6hip3ji5
(Eng.) trade agreement
(Cant.) gung1ping4貿mau6jik6
(Eng.) fair trade
(Cant.) sai3gaai3貿mau6jik6zou2zik1
(Eng.) World Trade Organization
(Cant.) hoeng1gong2hai2cyun4sai3gaai3dou1jau5貿mau6jik6fo2bun6
(Eng.) Hong Kong has trade partners all across the world.
See also: 買賣 生意 買賣 交易 出口商 匯率操縱國 商埠 商貿 地緣政治 外貿 知識產權 經濟體 農產品 通商 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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