
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fu6 hei2
Character Meaning:
burden; to shoulder; to bear; to owe, esp. debts; negative
stand up; up; rise; case; instance; from; to rise; to get up; to stand up; to build; to set up; to appear; to form; to draft; to draw up; to work out; to collect; to extract
Part of Speech: verb
to shoulder; to bear
(Cant.) keoi5jat1go3jan4fu6hei2joeng5gaa1ge3cung5daam3
(Eng.) He shoulders the burden of financially supporting the family.
Synonym: Synonym: 孭起
See also: 孭起 負 忍受 受 抵 勝 肩 抵受 以身作則 引咎辭職 承上啓下 承擔 挺身而出 當仁不讓 義不容辭 肩負 責無旁貸 身負重任 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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