
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bin3 zung2
Character Meaning:
to change; to change into; to turn into; to transform
type; to plant; seed of plants; species; ethnicity; race; kind; to cultivate; to grow plants
Part of Speech: noun
mutant strain; mutant; a mutation of a gene or pathogen; a change in the internal structure of a gene or pathogen (measure word: 個 / 隻)
(Cant.) zek3beng6duk6ge3bin3zung2hou2lai6hoi6
(Eng.) The mutated strain of the virus is deadly.
See also: 基因突變 大種 混種 芒種 變異 變面 變體 野種 雌雄同體 雪種 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: bin3 zung2
Character Meaning:
to change; to change into; to turn into; to transform
type; to plant; seed of plants; species; ethnicity; race; kind; to cultivate; to grow plants
Part of Speech: verb
to develop mutation; to mutate
(Cant.) ni1zung2beng6duk6bin3zo2zung2zi1hau6zau6ho2ji5cyun4jim5bei2jan4
(Eng.) After mutating, this virus became infectious.
See also: 基因突變 大種 混種 芒種 變異 變面 變體 野種 雌雄同體 雪種 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License