
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ging2 gou3 seon3
Character Meaning:
police; to alert
tell; sue; to tell; to state; to inform; to sue; to complain; to report
letter; believe; mail; to believe; to trust; to profess faith in; to believe in; promise
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: noun
warning letter (measure word: 封)
(Cant.) keoi5soeng5mong5gong2co3je5gung1si1mou5ceot1ging2gou3seon3zik6zip3caau2zo2keoi5
(Eng.) He said something politically incorrect online, and the company fired him without issuing a warning letter.
See also: 信號彈 公報私仇 律師信 投訴無門 掛號信 最後通牒 秋後算帳 訓導主任 通知書 通風報信 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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