
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sik1 zi6
Character Meaning:
to know; to know someone; knowledge; insight; vision
character; character; word; five minutes; script; handwriting; penmanship; calligraphy; tails (of a coin)
Part of Speech: verb
to learn to read; to become literate; literally: to know characters
(Cant.) sik1zi6leot2
(Eng.) literacy rate
(Cant.) keoi5soeng5si1suk6zi1cin4keoi5aa3suk1ji5ging1gaau3keoi5duk6syu1sik1zi6
(Eng.) Before he went to private school, his uncle already taught him to read.
(Cant.) nei5mou5duk6gwo3syu1dim2wui5sik1zi6ge2
(Eng.) How can you read even though you have never gone to school?
(Cant.) ngo5maa4maa4m4hai6hou2sik1zi6
(Eng.) My grandmother is slightly literate.
See also: 一般見識 凸字 咬文嚼字 文盲 無師自通 目不識丁 簡筆字 識人 識認 讀死書 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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