
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ceng2 jam2
Character Meaning:
please; to request; to ask a favor; to invite someone; to pay for somebody; to treat someone to; to hire; to recruit; to request days off
to drink
Part of Speech: verb
  • to be the host of a feast; to give a feast
    (Cant.) can4taai2haa6go3lai5baai3ceng2jam2nei5wui5m4wui5heoi3aa3
    (Eng.) Mrs. Chan will give a feast next week, are you going?

  • to hold a wedding banquet
    (Cant.) keoi5loeng5go3paak3zo2gam3noi6to1gei2si4ceng2jam2aa3
    (Eng.) Both of them have been seeing each other for so long, when will they get married (and hold a wedding banquet)?

Synonym: Synonym: 擺酒
See also: 擺結婚酒
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