
Entry #1
Pronunciation: waa6 zaai1
Character Meaning:
to say; to talk; to tell; to scold mildly; to blame; to opine; to think; to consider; to feel that; speech
traditional school; pure; dull; boring; purely; solely; only; just
Part of Speech: verb
as somebody says; used when citing what somebody has said as worth taking account of
(Cant.) hok6lou5sai3waa6zaai1gu3haak3zi3soeng6
(Eng.) As the boss says, customers always come first.
(Cant.) gwo3loi4jan4waa6zaai1zou6dak1seng4pang4jau5zau6m4使sai2fan1sau2laa1
(Eng.) As people (with experience) say, lovers would not break up if they could be friends.
Synonym: Synonym: 話事偈 話頭
See also: 話頭
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