
Entry #1
Pronunciation: waa6 syut3
Character Meaning:
to say; to talk; to tell; to scold mildly; to blame; to opine; to think; to consider; to feel that; speech
to say; persuade; to speak; to talk; theory; hypothesis; model; to convince; to persuade
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: expression
(usu. appear at the beginning of a story) as the story says; it is said that
(Cant.) waa6syut3hai2hou2do1nin4cin4ni1dou6jau5jat1zo6gu2bou2
(Eng.) It is said that many years ago there was a castle here.
See also: 事緣 好好先生 實不相瞞 想當年 有感而發 有眼不識泰山 老老實實 言歸正傳 長話短説 題外話 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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