
Entry #1
Pronunciation: si3 taam3
Character Meaning:
to try; to try out; to attempt; to experience; examination; test
to try to find out; to visit; to pay a call; to explore; to find out
Part of Speech: verb
to feel out something; to probe; to test
(Cant.) ngo5wui5si3taam3jat1haa5keoi5deoi3ni1go3man6tai4ge3tai2faat3
(Eng.) I will sound him out on his views regarding this issue.
(Cant.) m4hou2si3taam3ngo5ge3dai2sin3
(Eng.) Don't test my limits!
See also: 探索 測知 試驗 檢測 測試 探討 探究 出其不意 半信半疑 反客為主 心懷不軌 戰戰兢兢 旁敲側擊 眉來眼去 虛與委蛇 見招拆招 見機行事 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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