
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ping4 pun3
Character Meaning:
comment((on sth)); comment; opinion; evaluation; to judge; to appraise
to distinguish; to judge; to decide; to make a decision
Part of Speech: noun
adjudicator; usually of a competition (measure word: 名 / 位 / 個)
(Cant.) syun2mei5ping4pun3
(Eng.) judge of the beauty pageant/contest
(Cant.) nei5go1dou1m4sik1coeng3jau5me1zi1gaak3zou6go1coeng3bei2coi3ge3ping4pun3aa3
(Eng.) Why can you be the judge of a singing competition when you don't know how to sing?
See also: 作主 出品人 參賽者 品評 實至名歸 精挑細選 花落誰家 評介 評審 評理 評頭品足 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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