
Entry #1
Pronunciation: si6
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • to look at; to watch
    (Cant.) 視察
    (Eng.) to inspect; to examine
    (Cant.) 巡視
    (Eng.) to visit for inspection
    (Cant.) 視力
    (Eng.) vision
    (Cant.) 視覺
    (Eng.) vision
    (Cant.) 電視
    (Eng.) television
    (Cant.) 近視
    (Eng.) short-sightedness; myopia
    (Cant.) 遠視
    (Eng.) long-sightedness; hyperopia

  • television
    (Cant.) 影視
    (Eng.) film and television
    (Cant.) 視帝
    (Eng.) best leading TV actor
    (Cant.) 視后
    (Eng.) best leading TV actress

See also: 覷 看 覽 看住 播出 電視機 電視
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: si6
Part of Speech: verb
to regard; to look upon (usually used with wai4 or zok3 "as")
(Cant.) bei6視為si6 wai4
(Eng.) to be regarded as
(Cant.) 視作si6 zok3faat3daat6gwok3gaa1
(Eng.) to regard as a developed country
(Cant.) 視死如歸si6 sei2 jyu4 gwai1
(Eng.) to take death calmly (as if returning home)
(Cant.) ngo5si6keoi5wai4ngau5zoeng6gaa3
(Eng.) I regard him as my idol.
See also:
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License