
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gin3 min6 lai5
Character Meaning:
to meet; to see; to experience; to feel; to consider; to regard
surface; side; aspect; face; appearance; used for medals; face: respect; prestige; reputation; honour; plane; area; (of geometry) face; cover; range; scale; scope
ceremony; etiquette; rite; courtesy; manners; gift; present
Part of Speech: noun
present given to somebody whom one sees for the first time (measure word: 份)
(Cant.) ngo5sung3zo2hap6caa4jip6bei2ngo5naam4pang4jau5ge3maa4maa1zou6gin3min6lai5
(Eng.) I gave a pack of tea to my boyfriend's mother as a present when we first met.
See also: 交朋結友 傾囊相授 受寵若驚 把酒言歡 握手言和 盛意拳拳 禮尚往來 笑容可掬 聞名不如見面 重色輕友 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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