
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tan3
Part of Speech: verb
  • to move a bit
    (Cant.) tan3bok3
    (Eng.) take off clothes, show shoulders
    (Cant.) nei5ho2m4ho2ji5tan3cin4di1aa3
    (Eng.) Can you move a bit forward?
    (Cant.) zoeng1toi2hou2ci5me2zo2tan3faan1gwo3siu2siu2paak3cai4keoi5laa1
    (Eng.) The table seems to be misaligned. Let's move a bit to align that.

  • to delay; to postpone
    (Cant.) jyun4bun2soeng6nin2sap6jat1jyut6gaau2ge3bat1jip6lai5tan3dou3ji4gaa1sin1gaau2dou2
    (Eng.) The graduation ceremony, supposed to be held in November last year, got postponed until now.

See also: 拖時間 耽誤 押 延誤 順延 暫緩 延遲 推遲
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