
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zong1 bei6
Character Meaning:
pretend; to clothe; to carry; to contain; to hold; to pretend; to peek; to install; to set (someone) up; equipment
to prepare; to get ready; to possess; to be equipped with; have; fully; all
Part of Speech: noun
equipment; outfit (measure word: 套 / 身 / 件)
(Cant.) paa4saan1wan6dung6jyun4ge3zong1bei6
(Eng.) a mountaineer's outfit
(Cant.) zong1bei6bat1zuk1
(Eng.) poorly equipped
See also: 設備 工具 器材 配備 衣着 裝束 配有 設 配備 供給 兵源 安全帽 安全鞋 彈藥 武器 護目鏡 防具 防毒面具 防禦工事 防護 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: zong1 bei6
Character Meaning:
pretend; to clothe; to carry; to contain; to hold; to pretend; to peek; to install; to set (someone) up; equipment
to prepare; to get ready; to possess; to be equipped with; have; fully; all
Part of Speech: verb
to equip; to fit out
(Cant.) ceot1lai4se5wui2zou6je5zi1cin4jat1ding6jiu3hou2hou2zong1bei6zi6gei2
(Eng.) Before you start working (in the society), you should equip yourself well.
See also: 設 配備 供給 配有 兵源 安全帽 安全鞋 彈藥 武器 護目鏡 防具 防毒面具 防禦工事 防護 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License