
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bou2 fei1
Character Meaning:
to mend; to repair; to fill; to supply; to make up for; to tutor; belatedly
to fly; hooligan; hoodlum; to float; to travel by plane; to throw; to toss; to fling; to skip; to remove; to dump someone; ticket
Part of Speech: verb
  • to buy a ticket or pay back the missing fare after getting on a vehicle
    (Cant.) zoeng1fei1maai5co3zo2jiu3heoi3seon1man6cyu5bou2fei1sin1dak1
    (Eng.) If one made a mistake in buying the single ride ticket, one must visit the service counter to make up the extra fee.

  • to redo something since its earlier attempt is not good enough
    (Cant.) soeng6ci3jim5faat3jim5dak1m4gau3sik1jiu3bou2do1ci3fei1
    (Eng.) The color didn't quite stick last time I dye my hair and has to be done again.

See also: 打鐵趁熱 收咧 發噏瘋 補倉 補底 補數 補牙 補祝 補鐘 補鑊 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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