
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zyu3 zok3
Character Meaning:
to write; to be ignited; to turn on; to light up; to wear; to put on; to touch; to reach; to attach to; asleep
write; fabricate; endeavour; product of work; to act; to do; to perform; to write; to compose; to lie; to make up
Part of Speech: noun
book; writing; publication (measure word: 本 / 篇)
See also: 預訂 book 圖書 書本 文章 字跡 創作 作 作曲 傳記 名著 回憶錄 專著 書評 線裝書 自傳 著述 詩作 論著 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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