
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lok6 zaap6
Character Meaning:
to fall; to drop; to go down; to put in; to add; to get an abortion; to abort
gate; fence; entrance; to block
Part of Speech: verb
  • to pull down the store front shutters, which is to close shop
    (Cant.) lok6zo2zaap6laa3faan1heoi3laa1
    (Eng.) The shop is closed. Let's go back.

  • to refuse to continue with a discussion or negotiation

See also: 守尾門 打蛇餅 打退堂鼓 拉閘 水靜鵝飛 落波 走漏風聲 閂門 關門大吉 雞飛狗走 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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