
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lok6
Part of Speech: verb
  • to fall; to drop
    (Cant.) 落雪lok6 syut3
    (Eng.) to snow
    (Cant.) ji4gaa1lok6gan2jyu5
    (Eng.) It's raining now.
    (Cant.) keoi5dit3zo2lok6dei6haa2
    (Eng.) He fell down and laid on the floor.

  • to go down
    (Cant.) ngo5soeng2lok6gaai1haang4haa5
    (Eng.) I want to go down the street and take a walk.
    (Cant.) ngo5lok6jat1lok6dei6lou4
    (Eng.) I will go down to the basement (for a while).

  • to get off a vehicle (e.g. a car, boat, aeroplane)
    (Cant.) 落車lok6 ce1
    (Eng.) to get off a land vehicle
    (Cant.) lok6fei1gei1
    (Eng.) to get off the plane
    (Cant.) lok6co3ce1tim1
    (Eng.) I mistakenly got off (a land vehicle).
    (Cant.) gaai1hau2有落jau5 lok6
    (Eng.) Please drop me off at the corner.

  • to go (usually downtown)
    (Cant.) lok6wong6gok3
    (Eng.) to go to Mong Kok
    (Cant.) lok6lou5laan2
    (Eng.) to go to Lan Kwai Fong

  • to put in; to add
    (Cant.) lok6jim4
    (Eng.) to add salt
    (Cant.) lok6dak1taai3do1tong4tim1
    (Eng.) I added too much sugar.

  • to get an abortion; to abort
    (Cant.) 落仔lok6 zai2
    (Eng.) to get an abortion
    (Cant.) ngo5cin4naam4jau5gaau2daai6zo2ngo5go3tou5zing6hai6sik1giu3ngo5lok6zo2keoi5
    (Eng.) My ex-boyfriend got me pregnant. The only thing he did was urge me get an abortion.

  • (of films) to be off the big screen
    (Cant.) nei5soeng2tai2go2tou3hei3lok6zo2laa3
    (Eng.) The movie you want to watch has already been off the big screen.

See also: 侵 置 增 加 添 摔 降 下挫 墜
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: lok6
Part of Speech: affix
added after a verb to express a re-assessment after doing or experiencing something for a certain period of time
(Cant.) tai2lok6ngo5gok3dak1dou1m4co3wo3
(Eng.) After looking at it for a while, I think it is actually quite good.
(Cant.) gaan1uk1zyu6lok6sin1zi3zi1jau5mat1je5man6tai4
(Eng.) You have to live in for a while to know if it has any problems.
Copyrights:© 2023 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License