
Entry #1
Pronunciation: faa1 sang1
Character Meaning:
flower; to spend; blossom; coloured; multicoloured; disorderly; messy; scratched; dirty; to use up
raw; to give birth; uncooked; alive; to give birth to; to bear; to grow up; to grow; to cause; to give rise to; Mr.; life; birth; grow; learner
Part of Speech: noun
  • peanut (measure word: 粒)
    (Cant.) faa1sang1zoeng3
    (Eng.) peanut butter
    (Cant.) faa1sang1jau4
    (Eng.) peanut oil
    (Cant.) faa1sang1tong2
    (Eng.) peanut brittle

  • dramatic event; refer to 食花生 sik6 faa1 sang1
    (Cant.) waa3hou2daai6nap1faa1sang1aa3
    (Eng.) Wow, what huge news!

See also: 花生肉 長生果 大蒜 小白菜 正菜 毛豆 蠶豆 豆瓣醬 開心果 雞蛋花 青蘿蔔 黑芝麻 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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