
Entry #1
Pronunciation: faa1 tin1 zau2 dei6
Character Meaning:
flower; to spend; blossom; to use up; coloured; multicoloured; disorderly; messy; scratched; dirty
sky; day; 24 hours
alcohol; alcoholic beverage
land; -ly; ground; field; floor; place; locality; area
Part of Speech: expression
to lead a decadent and dissipated life; literally: to indulge in alcohol and erotica
(Cant.) keoi5hoeng1haa2zai2ceot1seng2cung4loi4dou1mei6gin3gwo3dou1si2faa1tin1zau2dei6
(Eng.) Having grown up in the countryside, he had never experienced the city's vibrant nightlife and indulgences.
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