
Entry #1
Pronunciation: loeng4
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • good; beneficial; fine; moral
    (Cant.) 良好loeng4 hou2
    (Eng.) good
    (Cant.) 良機loeng4 gei1
    (Eng.) good opportunity
    (Cant.) 良家婦女loeng4 gaa1 fu5 neoi5
    (Eng.) pious woman
    (Cant.) 優良jau1 loeng4
    (Eng.) high quality
    (Cant.) 純良seon4 loeng4
    (Eng.) innocent and moral
    (Cant.) 良心loeng4 sam1
    (Eng.) conscience
    (Cant.) 良性loeng4 sing3
    (Eng.) beneficial

  • great; very
    (Cant.) JasminJASMINsi1haau2loeng4gau2zung1jyu1dim2dim2tau4
    (Eng.) Jasmin thought deeply for a long time and finally nodded her head.
    (Cant.) keoi5ji6sap6nin4lei4zeon6sam1zeon6lik6deoi3gung1si1gung3hin3loeng4do1
    (Eng.) He worked hard and diligently for twenty years, and made a great many contributions to the company.

See also: 有益 有利 有數為 細小 好啦 細緻 精緻 優美 教訓 説教 人品 偉大 彪炳 正斗 非常 好q 鬼咁 真是
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