
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hing1 wong6
Character Meaning:
joy; to develop; to rise; to prosper; to flourish; to thrive; popular; fashionable
prosperous; flourishing; busy
Part of Speech: adjective
prosperous; well-developed; thriving; usually in reference to business revenues, the economy or a family
(Cant.) jan4ding1hing1wong6
(Eng.) to have a large family or clan
(Cant.) ging1zai3hing1wong6ling6dou3daai6gaa1siu1fai3ge3ji3juk6daai6zang1
(Eng.) A prosperous economy encourages people to consume more.
(Cant.) gam1jung4jip6zi2jau5hai2do1jyun4faa3kap6faan4wing4ge3soeng1jip6waan4ging2haa6sin1ho2ji5hing1wong6faat3zin2
(Eng.) The financial sector can only prosper in a diversified and thriving business environment.
See also: 昌明 富裕 亨通 好景 豐滿 欣欣向榮 繁榮 發 興 大行其道 昌盛 朝氣蓬勃 欣欣向榮 生氣勃勃 繁盛 興盛 興隆 蒸蒸日上 蓬勃 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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