
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zi6 sau1 sat1
Character Meaning:
oneself; from; since; self-
to mend; to study knowledge; to practise a skill; to repair; to renovate; to correct; to revise; to amend; to study a subject; to take credits; to trim; to prune
room; the whole building; wife
Part of Speech: noun
study room (measure word: 間)
(Cant.) zi6sau1sat1gan6nin4do1zo2go3faa1meng2giu3hok6gaai3laan4gwai3fong1
(Eng.) In recent years, study rooms are dubbed "Lan Kwai Fong for students".
(Cant.) keoi5fong3zo2hok6zau6heoi3zi6sau1sat1zou6gung1fo3tung4wan1syu1je6maan5zau6faan1uk1kei2sik6faan6
(Eng.) After school, he goes to the study room to do homework and revision. When the evening comes, he goes home for dinner.
See also: 三五成群 卧室 庵堂 打情罵俏 温室 登堂入室 試身室 通宵達旦 遊戲人間 閲讀室 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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