
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lam4 mei5 hoeng1
Character Meaning:
on the point of; right before; to arrive
tail; last; final; end; remaining part
smell good; incense; joss stick; fragrant; sweet-smelling; aromatic; scented
Part of Speech: expression
to fall at the last fence; literally: to die at the very last moment
(Cant.) bun2san1ji5wai4ni1pou1ngo5wui5jeng4dim2bat1zi1seoi1sau1mei5lam4mei5hoeng1zo2
(Eng.) I thought I would have won this round, but I lost at the very last moment.
See also: 七里香 國色天香 得饒人處且饒人 恭敬不如從命 撒手塵寰 生米煮成熟飯 老眼昏花 香消玉殞 鮑參翅肚 龍精虎猛 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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