
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hong1
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • cavity
    (Cant.) 口腔hau2 hong1
    (Eng.) oral cavity
    (Cant.) 鼻腔bei6 hong1
    (Eng.) nasal cavity

  • regional accent; dialect
    (Cant.) gwaan1西sai1hong1ge3jat6man2
    (Eng.) Japanese with a Kansai accent; the Kansai dialect
    (Cant.) 西sai1gwaan1hong1
    (Eng.) the Saikwan accent of Cantonese

  • singing style; vocal style
    (Cant.) hat1ji1hong1
    (Eng.) the Beggar singing style, the signature singing style of Ma Si Tsang, a famous Cantonese opera actor

See also: 洞 咕窿 膛 方言
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