
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tyut3 lei4
Character Meaning:
to shed; to undress; to drop; to lose; to get out of; to break away from; generation; to take off; to remove; to leave; to escape
to leave; away from; to part from
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: verb
to separate oneself from a place or a state; to break away from
(Cant.) tyut3lei4daai6hei3cang4
(Eng.) to escape from the atmosphere
(Cant.) tyut3lei4mou5zi2gwaan1hai6
(Eng.) to end a mother and son's relationship
(Cant.) tyut3lei4ngai4him2kei4
(Eng.) to be over critical period
(Cant.) tyut3lei4jin6sat6
(Eng.) to be surreal
(Cant.) tyut3lei4zik6man4tung2zi6
(Eng.) to end the colonial rule
See also: 擺脱 土崩瓦解 安枕無憂 拋離 擺脱 支離 深居簡出 當家作主 脱鈎 脱離 超脱 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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