
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bui6 syu1
Character Meaning:
back; recite; carry; to recite
book; letter; document; writing
Part of Speech: verb
to recite a passage; to commit a passage to memory
(Cant.) zung1man2lou5si1ging1soeng4dou1jiu3hok6saang1bui6syu1
(Eng.) Chinese language teachers often require students to recite passages.
(Cant.) jyu4gwo2nei5gok3dak1open bookou1 pan1 buk1haau2si5m4使sai2bui6syu1zau6hou2jung4ji6ge3waa2gam2nei5zau6co3laa3
(Eng.) If you think that open-book exams are easy because memorization is not required, then you are quite mistaken.
See also: 一錘定音 不打自招 塗脂抹粉 奉若神明 所作所為 歌功頌德 濫竽充數 為虎作倀 立此存照 認賊作父 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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