
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cung1 ming4
Character Meaning:
hearing ability; intelligent; clever; smart
to understand; bright; coming; next; clear; explicit; blatantly; unabashedly; the Ming Dynasty
Part of Speech: adjective
intelligent; clever; smart
(Cant.) ni1go3sai3lou6hou2cung1ming4jat1gaau3zau6sik1
(Eng.) This child is smart. Whatever I teach him, he understands immediately.
Synonym: Synonym: 醒目
Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 冇腦 白痴
See also: 機智 機靈 妙 冰雪聰明 巧妙 型棍 能幹 能駭 情報 智能 智慧 善解人意 愚笨 愚蠢 笨實 精叻 精明 聰敏 能言善辯 蠢鈍 醒目 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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