
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ze2
Part of Speech: affix
  • used to indicate somebody who performs a particular action; -er
    (Cant.) 作者zok3 ze2
    (Eng.) writer; author
    (Cant.) 長者zoeng2 ze2
    (Eng.) elder
    (Cant.) 記者gei3 ze2
    (Eng.) journalist; reporter
    (Cant.) 講者gong2 ze2
    (Eng.) speaker
    (Cant.) 受害者sau6 hoi6 ze2
    (Eng.) victim
    (Cant.) si1si6ze2
    (Eng.) doer; actor

  • used after numerals to substitute the same number of aforementioned entities
    (Cant.) loeng5ze2
    (Eng.) the (above) two
    (Cant.) saam1ze2zi1gaan1mou5jam6ho4gwaan1lin4
    (Eng.) There is no relationship between the three.

See also: 這個
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