
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lou5 faan1
Character Meaning:
old; old in age; of long standing; experienced; senior
a measure word; to return; to go back; foreign; alien; score of mahjong; TV Animation
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Obsolete
foreigner, especially, white man; Caucasian; westerner (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) keoi5go3neoi2heoi3ngoi6gwok3duk6syu1zi1hau6gaa3zo2go3lou5faan1
(Eng.) Her daughter studied overseas and later married a foreigner.
See also: 鬼婆 洋鬼子 洋人 西洋仔 西人 紅鬚綠眼 西方人 西化 西式 架仔 白痴仔 紅番 老妨 老姑婆 老嫗 老淚縱橫 老老實實 老而彌堅 老襯亭 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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