
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lou5 gung1
Character Meaning:
old; old in age; of long standing; experienced; senior
public; shared; governmental; (of animals) male; obverse; mother's father; old man
Part of Speech: noun
  • husband (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) nei5lou5gung1wui5m4wui5lai4tung4ngo5dei6jat1cai4sik6faan6
    (Eng.) Will your husband come and have dinner with us?

  • intimate form of address for one's own boyfriend
    (Cant.) lou5gung1zai2
    (Eng.) hubby

Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 老婆
See also: 丈夫 歸宿 夫 官人 女朋友 姑仔 媽咪 家婆 男朋友 老婆 老媽子 老泥妹 舅仔 阿媽 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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